What is a Columbarium?
A Columbarium is a group of small compartments or “niches” that hold the cremated remains (or “cremains”) of loved ones in urns.
Why a Columbarium on the North Shore?
Because of our topography and impenetrable, rocky terrain, we have no traditional cemeteries nearby. Columbaria provide a much-needed nearby place for the remains of loved ones.
What are the benefits of a church columbarium?
• Provide comfort to the family having their loved one’s remains in a memorial area that is part of a church
• Provides a less expensive, theologically sound, and environmentally friendly method of internment.
• Offers a relatively simple way to take care of a loved one’s last wishes. Less paperwork and less expensive than a traditional funeral service with a casket, headstone or monument, hearse, etc. This relieves some of the burden on surviving family members.
Who is eligible to buy a niche in Trinity’s Columbarium?
Trinity members and their family along with the general public. It doesn’t matter what denomination or church you attend but you must be a baptized Christian.
How many niches do you have?
Presently 36 niches with space to expand with another 72 niches.
How much does a niche cost?
One niche, which hold two urns (two people) is $3,000 for non-members, and $2,000 for members. This cost includes engraving the names of the deceased plus years of births and deaths on the granite face plate. Perpetual care is included in the cost. The cost of cremation is not included. Each niche is 12”x12”x12”.
Can I pay using my credit or debit card?
Yes. You will be responsible for the small fee added by the credit card company for handling.
How much does cremation cost and who do I talk to?
You will need to contact a local funeral home for cremation prices. Prices vary but cremations in our area are often under $1,000.
May I select a specific niche?
A map will be provided showing available niches.
Can my pet join me in my niche?
No. As much as we value our pets, our Columbarium is only for humans.
What happens if I fully pay for a niche and then later decide not to use it?
Our Columbarium Committee will take back ownership of the niche and refund you a pro-rated amount (minus handling fees) determined by the Trinity Columbarium Committee at that time.
How to purchase a niche:
• Call the church office at (512) 599-4035 or email
• Let us know if you’re interested in more information. We’ll send you an application and contract with details.
• Once your application/contract is approved and we have received payment, you’ll be asked to select your niche.